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« 52 words for snow... | Main | Friends... »

January 14, 2010



You took the "girl in the snow" picture, you loony. The one of Sophie is right up there with Ajaton's. Honestly. I'm not just saying that. It's true. Really. No kidding. "I won't lie to you ...."


I love you bridg!
So everyone else knows what you're talking about- here's what I aspire to....


soooo beautiful - i adore your work.

and yes, the composition is just flawless.


i see what Bridg is talking about - the only difference in the two really is the DOF used (so it appears)


Elizabeth Harper

That first one takes my breath away! John is here with me and I just said out loud, " WHEW! She is really getting so good!" He was teasing me making the whew noise until he saw the first photograph and then he was impressed too.

Andrea Joki

You have some great models there! One tip when working with snow is to keep the exposure in raw fairly neutral (don't worry about dark skin tones). Then bring it into Photoshop and do a Curves adjustment layer - pull up the middle of the line (midtones boost) and that will give you that dreamy airiness and take the grey out of the snow. :)


i really love that first picture.


I so enjoy the photos of snow. One day...


I love these photos - especially the top on and the one of both kids with the snowman - they all made me smile despite feeling somewhat 'over' snow right now!


chris t

just fab! Your kids are great & growing up fast :-)

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