Here's the next installment of my September journal, Learn Something Every Day. The great thing about this is it takes about 10 minutes per page, once I'd made the actual journal. Great fun too.
Sept. 9. Giving up the TV has got to be the right thing to do. It's true! I hardly watch any now and don't miss it a bit. But don't ask me to give up House MD or The X Factor or Grey's, when it returns to our screens...
Sept 10. I can't write an autobiography. My memory is shot to pieces, the unwanted by product of 2 very much wanted but traumatic pregnancies. I have big, black, gaping holes where memories should be. But it doesn't matter, because I'm busy making new ones.
Sept 11. Sometimes I forget he isn't mine. (The picture is of my best friends little boy Thomas.) But I love him almost as if he were...
Sept 12. When I remember not to take it all for granted I begin to worry instead. Surely there must be a middle way?
Sept 13. Procrastination is my nemesis. My biggest pile of papers is the 'maybe if I leave it long enough it will go away' pile. Very often this is indeed what happens, which of course leads to self reinforcing behaviour. But as often, it gets me into real trouble.
Sept 14. Living in a computer literate age is a mixed blessing. Just think what I can achieve with my computer. But then, just think what I could achieve if I didn't have one. A continuation of the can't live with it, can't live without it conundrum.
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